Things K Taught Me: An Introduction

tktmLife is like a puzzle. You try to interlock the pieces together, in a hope that it would make sense someday. Secretly wishing that you would get to know this was the only way things had to be done; you try to fix the ruins of your living existence the same way it was broken apart, one at a time. It’s not a simple process. Each one of the pieces, you think, needs to be carefully analyzed and made peace with before you move onto the next one. But as you go on you realize some of the pieces are absurd. That you can’t make peace with them; that this wasn’t the only way but it happened for its own sake and you cannot do anything about it.

“Things K taught me” is a segment of my life, so important that it’s going to have its own category here on Mellifluous Misery. Karun was a boy of my age (six months older, to be precise) whom I knew in my pre/early teen years. I have not mentioned him even to my closest of friends. It never occurred to me. But for past few days, I have been constantly thinking about this guy with whom I have no contacts now. I think this is the time to look back at this particular part of my life. It can take years. And I can only hope that it turns out to be an interlocking piece and not something absurd. The latter tends to be more tormenting, or so I think.

9 thoughts on “Things K Taught Me: An Introduction

  1. That sounds interesting! I also find myself thinking of people from my past even if I no longer have contact with them. I think it’s because many of these people also changed our lives at some point and made our lives a little bit more bearable during the tough times. We can also learn more about life through the people we meet. I look forward to reading your entries about this!


    • I know, right? And sometimes those people about whom we thought, at that time, that they were not good for us and even those people who didn’t treat us well conventionally, even they teach us many great lessons of life.

      Thank you, I am also looking forward to write them!


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